Category Archives: Die Casting Parts

Die Casting Tooling Transfer Special 2025

Kinetic Die Casting Company will make American made die casting parts for our customers that send us their die casting tools and die casting molds from other die casting companies (even China tools).

We are offering a Tooling Transfer special.
Manufacturing companies that transfer their die casting tooling and we make their American made die casting parts in just a few weeks.

Kinetic Die Casting Company, a better die casting part supplier.

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes that decision easier.
1. Send us your die casting tooling and die casting molds
2. Send us a purchase order made to us with your old supplier’s prices.
3. We will honor the die casting part price paid to the old die casting part supplier.
4. You will get better die casting parts than you received before.
5. We will ship the die casting parts to you in less than 4 weeks.

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood California 91605 USA
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Pacific Time)
818-982-9200 –

Die Casting Tooling Transfer Special 2025

The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

Kineticdc makes:

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Update on How Are Aluminum Heat Sinks Die Castings Made?

How Are Aluminum Heat Sinks Die Castings Made? Heat sinks are used to reduce or remove heat from electrical appliances. Essentially, these heat sinks are used to prevent appliances from overheating and breaking down. Currently, more and more heat sinks are being made with aluminum die castings because aluminum is able to better diffuse heat from electronic applications or appliances and thereby dissipates heat more effectively. Additionally, aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are durable and electrically conductive. The electrically conductive property of aluminum heat sinks benefits manufacturers because aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are cheaper to produce since they do not need added copper plating. Also, the aluminum parts can be electrically grounded and are used for EMI and RF shielding. Another benefit to manufacturers when using aluminum is that the metal is very abundant and can be easily extracted from the earth’s crust.

Die Casting Company in USA

Aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are produced by first melting the aluminum. Once the aluminum is melted, the liquid metal is then injected into molds, which will give the aluminum new shapes. Afterwards, the molds are cooled for a while to allow the aluminum to harden. When the molds are cool enough, they are opened to reveal new heat sinks. The die casting method for manufacturing aluminum heat sinks is the best way to produce heat sinks in bulk because it is a reliable, fast, and cheap method.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company manufactures zinc and aluminum die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote
How Are Aluminum Heat Sinks Die Castings Made?

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Still Time to get Almond Roca 2024

Almond Roca Candy

Kinetic Die Casting Company customers still have time to obtain a free 1/2 pound bag of our fresh Homemade Almond Roca candy.

Every year we send our die casting customers a free bag of of our Almond Roca to every customer or every buyer that that sends us a purchase order for die casting parts or die casting tooling.

We cut that date off a week before Christmas to qualify for free candy.

This year, 2024 – Every customer that sent Kinetic Die Casting Company a purchase order already will receive a bag of candy.

As a special treat, any additional purchase orders for parts or tooling that is received between today and December 18th 2024, will receive an extra half pound bag of our homemade Almond Roca (as pictured in this newsletter) sales email contact.

Our new automated die casting machines are ready to run orders a lot more orders for our customers. Already this year, we made die casting parts for a California customer that looked better than his previous die casting parts supplier of 2023. These new machines have computer controlled shot control that allow us to make much better quality die casting parts than ever before. Because these machines are automated, we also have a huge opening in our production schedule for more work. So please continue send us more work.

Our contact information to send us questions, requests for quote or die casting part purchase orders,

Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
phone 818-982-9200

Office hours are 9AM to 4PM, Monday through Thursday.
Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

If you are a new customer, use this link

to complete our die casting request for prices form.


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Empowering Electronics

Die Casting Enclosure Parts is enabling the creation of high-quality, reliable enclosures that meet the demanding requirements of modern electronics. Let’s delve into the significance of die casting in enclosure parts production and its transformative impact on the electronics industry. Enclosures serve as the first line of defense for electronic devices, shielding sensitive components from moisture, dust, vibration, and electromagnetic interference. Die casting enables the production of enclosure parts with precise dimensions, tight tolerances, and complex geometries, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum protection for electronic assemblies. Whether it’s housing for circuit boards, connectors, or displays, die-cast enclosure parts provide the structural integrity and precision engineering necessary to safeguard critical components and ensure optimal performance in demanding environments.

Heat dissipation is a critical consideration in electronic device design, as excessive heat can degrade performance, reduce component lifespan, and even cause catastrophic failure. Die casting enables the creation of enclosure parts with intricate fin structures, heat sinks, and thermal management features that facilitate efficient heat dissipation and thermal conductivity. By utilizing materials with high thermal conductivity, such as aluminum, die-cast enclosure parts help dissipate heat away from electronic components, ensuring optimal operating temperatures and prolonging the lifespan of sensitive devices.

In addition to protection and thermal management, enclosure design plays a significant role in the functionality and aesthetics of electronic devices. Die casting offers unparalleled design flexibility and customization options, allowing for the creation of enclosure parts with unique shapes, sizes, and features to meet specific application requirements. From sleek and compact designs for consumer electronics to rugged and weatherproof enclosures for industrial equipment, die-cast enclosure parts can be tailored to match the performance, aesthetics, and functionality of any electronic device.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are key considerations in electronics manufacturing, where time-to-market and production costs are critical factors in competitiveness. Die casting enables the production of enclosure parts in large volumes with minimal material waste, resulting in cost savings and streamlined production workflows. Additionally, the scalability of die casting processes allows for rapid prototyping and quick adjustments to design iterations, reducing time and costs associated with product development and manufacturing.

“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200

To get Prices for Die Casting Enclosures or Boxes:

Prices for Die Casting Enclosures or Boxes

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
Aluminum Die Casting Box Enclosure
Aluminum Die Casting Box Enclosure

Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks

What Are Die Casting Parts?What is Aluminum Die Casting


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BABAA Die Casting Parts 2021

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood CA 91605 USA, Phone 818-982-9200 ( manufactures American Sourced die casting parts. We are a BABAA (Build America Buy America Act) Compliant Die Casting Company (

American Flag

The BABAA Act, enacted was part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021, focused on maximizing the federal government’s use of services, goods, products, and materials produced and offered in the United States. BABAA requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in federally funded projects for infrastructure must be produced in the United States.

To be compliant with the Build America, Buy America (BABAA) Act, parts used in manufacturing must be “Made in the United States” and made from at least 55% US-mined, produced, or USA manufactured components.

The BABAA Act was enacted in 2021 as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. It requires that the federal government use more US-produced goods, services, and materials for federally funded projects.

BABAA requirements apply to all recipients of Federal Financial Assistance who are:

  • Non-Federal Entities as defined as 2.CFR 200.1
  • Requesting funding for an infrastructure project
  • The project involves construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of infrastructure in the United States.
  • Here are some ways our customers are ensuring BABAA Document compliance:

    1. Kinetic Die Casting provides a Certificate of US Manufacture with every product shipment.
    2. Kinetic Die Casting provides a Metal Certification with every product shipment.
    3. Kinetic Die Casting provides a Certificate of Conformance with every product shipment.

    Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company to get a competitive die casting part price and competitive die casting tooling prices.

    Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc. 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood California USA 91605
    Contact us today: or 818-982-9200


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