Tough Job

One Tough Job!! Making aluminum parts using the die casting process can really be a tough job. Just imagine pouring raw aluminum and zinc materials into casts, melting metal, and a whole lot more. And did I mention that those steps are just the beginning? Die casting requires more than just pouring metals into a die cast mold.

When the die has finally taken on a solid form, it then must be opened and will then be pinned by the ejector. The gate, runners, sprues and flash, which are collectively known as the scrap, must then be separated from the casting. A special trim die that is in a power press or hydraulic press is often used to do this part of the process. Sawing or separating by hand can also be done but are considered as older methods used also in sand casting which will then require case grinding to smooth out the scrap marks. A much easier way, when gates are thin and easily broken, would be to use tumble shots after which separation of gates should be done. The metal used in the whole process will not be entirely utilized as 15% of it will be not put to use due to many different factors. Remelting it though would make the metal recyclable.

Definitely, the whole die casting process takes on a intricate and arduous labor. And although that is the case, people in this industry still prefer to perform die casting as it produces rapid production rates and gives various other benefits to the whole production process. Besides, the fine finished products that this process yields are very much worth all the hard work that die casting requires.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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